Theater practitioners - Konstantin Stanislavski

 Konstantin Stanislavski

         “The main difference between the art of the actor and all other arts is that every other artist may create whenever he is in the mood of inspiration. But the artist of the stage must be the master of his own inspiration and must know how to call it forth when it is announced on the posters of the theater. This is the chief secret of our art.” – Konstantin Stanislavski

Ø  Konstantin Stanislavski (1863 – 1938)
§  Russian actor
§  Theater director
§  Teacher and co-founder of the famous Moscow Art Theater
§  Discovered that acting could be learnt, and created a system which enabled a person to train as an actor step by step
§  It took 30 years during which his object of study was the “creation of an artistically conceived image of life and of living, truthful human beings on stage” – (Acting World)
§  Rejected the widespread opinion (of his time) that a gifted actor needs no technique; suggesting instead that an actor with great talent and subtle means and nuances needs more technique than others

Ø  Stanislavski’s system
§  Requires actors to utilize emotional memory (remember past experiences and emotions)
§  When the actor comes on stage, it’s not the beginning – rather the continuation of a set of preceding circumstances
§  A need to develop a wide range of emotions by observing people & through experience so that on stage actions and reactions appear part of the real world rather than a make-believe one
§  Widely practiced in the Soviet Union & USA (began in 1920) – still exists in many schools/ professional workshops (ex: Actors Studio in NYC)
§  “A conscious and professional approach to acting” – (Wiki)
§  A great contribution to the world of theater – “revolutionary theatrical development” – (Krying Sky)

Ø  Director’s approach to the system
§  Risk – some directors see this method as a risk to their control of the production, for since the characters are based on emotions deeply rooted within the actors, a scene may take an unexpected direction
§  Other directors find it helps to uncover unexpected nuances/ façades of the characters & actions during rehearsals
§  Many of today’s Hollywood actors are Method actors (ex: Stella Adler, Marilyn Monroe, Anthony Quinn, Mala Powers, etc.)

Stanislavski’s System is not to be confused with Lee Strasberg’s Method Acting!

A young Konstantin Stanislavski
§  I reiterate: they are similar, but not identical!
§  MA – An actor is attempting to truly become the entire character, swallowing their emotions, predispositions and characteristics and inhibiting them as if they were their own
§  SS – The performer must remain somewhat separate from the character in order to properly understand their persona’s motivations and goals, analyzing their actions and reactions without becoming completely submerged and overwhelm by the evoked emotions and feelings

Information from:
·      Encyclopedia Britannica Online
·      Wikipedia
· (for the image above and info)

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